Monticello Tulip Poplar II Lumber
Several of the larger logs from the second tulip poplar tree were sawn into lumber. This involved bringing a portable bandsaw mill out to Shadwell where the logs were stored. On August 8, 2011 the two clear main logs were sawn into clear lumber for future use by Monticello, plus an immense timber to make a salt trough for the salt cellar. Images of this process may be seen at here.
On January 2, 2012 I had Jim Hart come out with his Woodmizer a second time to cut up the remaining largest branch logs into 5/4" and 8/4" boards, which generated some wonderfully interesting boards, amazingly wide for only coming from branches.

Laying out the first log.
Half a log on the Woodmizer. Now you can see how big it is.
The boards coming off the main flitch, showing all the internal stress.
A van full of lumber.
When it became clear the remaining log stock was more than could be handled by local woodturners, I had Jim come out a third time to cut up the remaining large trunk section, which had several large branch intersections in it, and those pieces are still drying.
Here are pictures from June 6, 2013
The last log left in the Shadwell field, buried in weeds.
Cutting off some branch bulges to make slab tables.
Making the first cuts down the sides.
followed by the connecting cut down the top.
The log in quarters, with the Woodmizer drawn up beside
The first quarter loaded onto the rails.
Boards were loaded directly into the van.
As Paul Simon said, "Was a rainy day."
Lumber loaded to head home.
The lumber piled up to dry, before the metal roof went on.